Professional Qualifications
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, 1991
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong, 1992
Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory of Australia, 1993
China Appointed Attesting Officer
Civil Celebrant of Marriages
Notary Public
Academic Qualifications
Common Professional Examination, England, 1990
Law Society's Final Examination, England, 1991
Personal Introduction
Mr. Chung joined Tony Kan & Co. in 1985 and became a Partner in 1994.
Prior to admission as a solicitor, Mr. Chung had worked in law firms for many years. He specializes in conveyancing, banking and commercial practices. He has handled a vast number of major conveyancing projects and is also experienced in banking security transactions, New Territories conveyancing and estate agency practice. In 1999 when the Estate Agents Ordinance was enacted, Mr. Chung had lectured on estate agency for over 200 frontline managers and the senior management personnel of a listed estate agent company in Hong Kong and for the preparation of the examination for obtaining their estate agent's licences. At the same time, Mr. Chung had written and published a book entitled "µØ®a´úÀíÌì•ø"(Estate Agents' Reference Book) which has a sales records of over 60,000 copies up to 2019.
Principal Areas of Practice
Conveyancing, Banking, Estate Agency and Commercial
Telephone : 3515 8313 /
3515 8388
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